Sunflowers in a Vase

Sunflowers in a Vase

Original Post: March 2014 

Sunflower Collage

It as been a long and dreary winter in Ohio this year that doesn’t seem to want to end.  When the weather is above 20 degrees, I go out to my garden to look for any sign of spring.  A sprout from a crocus, a bud on a tree, something… anything!   Yet, I’ve found nothing.  It’s so depressing.

When I went to grocery store, I saw sunflowers in the fresh flower section.  Sunflowers are so bright and cheerful, something I need in late March, so that became my inspiration.  What I like  about this painting, are the little images of pearls, chairs and eyeglasses that can be seen in the white section.  I have a hand pointing to the word, “Sunflower”  and a partial elephant in the upper left corner.  When it’s viewed from farther away, all the little images blend in to be just a pretty picture of sunflowers.

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