Timelapse Video of a Horse Collage

Timelapse Video of a Horse Collage

Having been a corporate video producer for over 30 (yikes!) years, I occasionally put together a video of my artwork in progress.  Some can takes days, or in the case of large scale collages, weeks to put together.  It takes some time to find the right pieces from magazines that work together.  Watching my process is like watching paint to dry, or glue in my case.  So time lapse videos are the way to go.

Here's one I did of a white horse on a blue background.  It's 24x36 in size.  Usually, there is usually one or two images in my collage art that catches my eye.  For this one, it's the old cell phone by his knee and the blue eye in the background near the horse's eye.  Watch the video to see if they stick out to your too. 

You can see a still image of the horse here.


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